Abstract. The modelling of pattern formation in biological systems using various models of reaction-diffusion type has been an active research topic for many years. We here look at a parameter identification (or PDE-constrained optimization) problem where the Schnakenberg and Gierer-Meinhardt equations, two well-known pattern formation models, form the constraints to an objective function. Our main focus is on the efficient solution of the associated nonlinear programming problems via a Lagrange-Newton scheme. In particular we focus on the fast and robust solution of the resulting large linear systems, which are of saddle point form. We illustrate this by considering several two-and three-dimensional setups for both models. Additionally, we discuss an image-driven formulation that allows us to identify parameters of the model to match an observed quantity obtained from an image.Key words. PDE-constrained optimization, reaction-diffusion, pattern formation, Newton iteration, preconditioning, Schur complement.AMS subject classifications. 65F08, 65F10, 65F50, 92-08, 93C201. Introduction. One of the fundamental problems in developmental biology is to understand how spatial patterns, such as pigmentation patterns, skeletal structures, and so on, arise. In 1952, Alan Turing [36] proposed his theory of pattern formation in which he hypothesized that a system of chemicals, reacting and diffusing, could be driven unstable by diffusion, leading to spatial patterns (solutions which are steady in time but vary in space). He proposed that these chemical patterns, which he termed morphogen patterns, set up pre-patterns which would then be interpreted by cells in a concentration-dependent manner, leading to the patterns that we see.These models have been applied to a very wide range of areas (see, for example, Murray [23]) and have been shown to exist in chemistry [5,26]. While their applicability to biology remains controversial, there are many examples which suggest that Turing systems may be underlying key patterning processes (see [1,7,34] for the most recent examples). Two important models which embody the essence of the original Turing model are the Gierer-Meinhardt [13] and Schnakenberg models [33] and it is upon these models which we focus.