Online migration of virtual machines (VMs) is indispensable for system maintenance as it helps to achieve several resource management objectives such as load balancing, proactive fault tolerance, green operation, and resource management of data centers. The migration efficiency and reliability are two major challenges in the online migration of memory write-intensive VMs. For example, pre-copy migration transfers a large amount of data and takes a long time to migrate. This study proposes an efficient and reliable adaptive hybrid migration mechanism for memory write-intensive VMs. The mechanism optimizes the data transfer mode of the common migration method and improves the performance of conventional hybrid migration. First, the virtual machine (VM) memory data to be migrated are divided into dynamic and static data based on the bitmap marking method, and the migration efficiency is improved through parallel transmission based on different networks. Second, to accelerate the migration reliability, an iterative convergence factor is proposed to evaluate the current system load state and adaptively calculate the switching time of the migration mode for adaptive hybrid migration based on the convergence factor. Through adaptive hybrid migration can achieve migration completed successfully, shorten the post-copy migration duration, and minimize the impact on the performance of VMs. Finally, this paper implements the system prototype based on a kernel-based virtual machine (KVM), and experiments are performed using multiple memory write-intensive load VMs. The results show that the proposed migration algorithm can significantly improve migration performance and complete migration quickly to solve the pre-copy migration failure problem with a memory write-intensive load. Compared with the traditional hybrid migration with only one round of pre-copy, the proposed migration algorithm reduces the total migration time and transmits data by 23.2% and 26.7%, respectively.