The Transient Reactor Test facility (TREAT) was constructed in the late 1950s, provided thousands of transient irradiations before being placed in standby in 1994, and resumed operations in 2017 in order to reclaim its crucial role in nuclear-heated safety research. The latter half of TREAT's historic operation was best known for integral-scale testing of fuel specimens under postulated reactor plant accident conditions, while TREAT's earlier history included Use Specimen Transient Experiment Rig (BUSTER) test position of the MARCH system.Though results are directly applicable to MIMIC and BUSTER, they also provide general quantification of the nuclear performance of the reactor and potential test materials, crucial for evaluating potential experiment design and response in TREAT. The neutron and photon flux environments were calculated via MCNP with ENDF/B-VII.1 nuclear data. Wire heating rates and atomic displacement calculations were also performed; sample calculations using historic TREAT operational data were provided to demonstrate example conditions. These calculations were performed to provide steady-state baseline reference values typical in both half-and fullslotted TREAT core configurations, enabling design scoping analysis prior to development of more specific design testing needs and transient testing experimentation. Due to the limited availability of historic data to validate current calculations, validation experiments are planned once the BUSTER test vehicle has been constructed.