Rodin, P.; Ebert, U.M.; Hundsdorfer, W.; Grekhov, I.V.
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Take down policyIf you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. A mode of impact ionization breakdown of a p -n junction is suggested: We demonstrate that when a sufficiently sharp voltage ramp is applied in reverse direction to an initially unbiased equilibrium p ϩ -n -n ϩ structure, after some delay the system will reach a high conductivity state via the propagation of a superfast impact ionization front. The front travels towards the anode with a velocity v f several times larger than the saturated drift velocity of electrons v s leaving a dense electron-hole plasma behind. The excitation of the superfast front corresponds to the transition from the common avalanche breakdown of a semiconductor structure to a collective mode of streamer-like breakdown. We propose that similar fronts can be excited not in layered structures but in plain bulk samples without p -n junctions. Our numerical simulations apply to a Si structure with typical thickness of Wϳ100 m switched in series with a load Rϳ100 ⍀, with a voltage ramp of AϾ10 12 V/s applied to the whole system. Our simulations show that first there is a delay of about 1 ns during which the voltage reaches a value of several kilovolts. Then, as the front is triggered, the voltage abruptly breaks down to several hundreds of volts within ϳ100 ps. This provides a voltage ramp of up to ϳ2ϫ10 13 V/s hence up to 10 times sharper than the externally applied ramp. We unravel the source of initial carriers which trigger the front, explain the orig...