www.particle-journal.com www.MaterialsViews.com COMMUNICATION pure WO 3 particles, which have a cubic or quasi-cubic shape with fl at and smooth surfaces and size range of 80-150 nm. The HR-TEM images in Figure 1 b,c suggest that the pure WO 3 nanoparticles are highly crystalline; the space of lattice fringe 0.365 nm corresponds to the d -spacing of monoclinic WO 3 (200) planes. When the CuO was incorporated, it is found that the faces become rough and irregular, as seen from the SEM and TEM images (Figure 1 d-f and Figure S1, Supporting Information). The irregular morphology becomes more apparent when the molar ratio of Cu:W was increased by adding more CuO precursor. The CuO nanoparticles form a coarse layer on the surface of WO 3 cubes. The CuO nanoparticle shell provides more defects and chemical active sites for the gas molecule adsorption. It is proposed that the (CH 3 COO) 2 Cu precursor is physically adsorbed on the surfaces of WO 3 nanocubes and then alcoholysis into Cu(OH) 2 during the hydrothermal process, which fi nally decomposes into CuO during annealing at 500 °C. The elemental mapping of O, W, and Cu distributions ( Figure 1 g-i) confi rmed the modifi cation of CuO nanoclusters on the surface of WO 3 nanocubes.Further characterization of the phase and composition was conducted using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The XRD patterns of the pure WO 3 nanocubes in Figure S2 (Supporting Information) can be indexed to the monoclinic WO 3 (JCPDS card no.43-1035), in agreement with the TEM result. With the molar ratio of Cu:W increasing to 1:5, the XRD peaks corresponding to CuO appeared (marked with a green square, JCPDS card no.48-1548). However, the presence of CuO was barely visible in the XRD curve when the molar ratio of Cu:W was below 1:20. Thus, XPS was further exploited to examine the surface chemical composition of the Cu:W = 1:20 sample (see Figure 2 ; and Figure S3, Supporting Information). The binding energies at 933.8 and 953.5 eV are attributed to Cu 2p 3/2 and Cu 2p 1/2 , respectively. Two satellite peaks at 963.4 and 942.5 eV might be related to the presence of Cu 2+ . [24][25][26] The binding energy of W 4f is observed at 37.8 eV (W 4f 5/2 ) and 35.7 eV (W 4f 7/2 ) in Figure 2 b, confi rming the state of W ion (W 6+ ) in WO 3 . All the results evidence the presence of O, W, and Cu elements.We employed the as-grown CuO/WO 3 hybrid nanoparticles to fabricate gas sensors for detecting H 2 S. We fi rst identifi ed the optimum composition by comparing a series of samples. Figure 3 a exhibits the temperature-dependent response on 4 ppm H 2 S of the devices made from different Cu/W molar ratios. The response of the sensor with 1:20 molar ratio is ≈270 000 at 55 °C, which is drastically higher than the devices with other Cu/W ratios. When the operating temperature Metal-oxide nanomaterials have a wide range of applications and are chemoresistive candidates for gas sensors used in the fi elds of environment monitoring, human safety, and national security. [1][2...