Warming in the Arctic accelerates top-soil decomposition and deep-soil permafrost thaw. This may lead to an increase in plant-available nutrients throughout the active layer soil and near the permafrost thaw front. For nitrogen (N) limited high arctic plants, increased N availability may enhance growth and alter community composition, importantly affecting the ecosystem carbon balance. However, the extent to which plants can take advantage of this newly available N may be constrained by the following three factors: vertical distribution of N within the soil profile, timing of N-release, and competition with other plants and microorganisms. Therefore, we investigated species-and depth-specific plant N uptake in a high arctic tundra, northeastern Greenland. Using stable isotopic labelling (15 N-NH 4 +), we simulated autumn N-release at three depths within the active layer: top (10 cm), mid (45 cm) and deepsoil near the permafrost thaw front (90 cm). We measured plant species-specific N uptake immediately after N-release (autumn) and after 1 year, and assessed depthspecific microbial N uptake and resource partitioning between above-and belowground plant parts, microorganisms and soil. We found that high arctic plants actively foraged for N past the peak growing season, notably the graminoid Kobresia myosuroides. While most plant species (Carex rupestris, Dryas octopetala, K. myosuroides) preferred top-soil N, the shrub Salix arctica also effectively acquired N from deeper soil layers. All plants were able to obtain N from the permafrost thaw front, both in autumn and during the following growing season, demonstrating the importance of permafrost-released N as a new N source for arctic plants. Finally, microbial N uptake markedly declined with depth, hence, plant access to deep-soil N pools is a competitive strength. In conclusion, plant species-specific competitive advantages with respect to both time-and depth-specific N-release may dictate short-and longterm plant community changes in the Arctic and consequently, larger-scale climate feedbacks.