This paper surveys the quantum entanglement of two coupled harmonic oscillators via angular momentum generating a magnetic coupling ω c . The corresponding Hamiltonian is diagonalized by using three canonical transformations and then the stationary wave function is obtained. Based on the Schmidt decomposition, we explicitly determine the Schmidt modes λ k with k ∈ {0, 1, • • • , n + m}, n and m being two quantum numbers associated to the two oscillators. By studying the effect of the anisotropy R = ω 2 1 /ω 2 2 , ω c , asymmetry |n − m| and dynamics on the entanglement, we summarize our results as follows. (i)− The entanglement becomes very large with the increase of (n, m). (ii)− The sensistivity to ω c depends on (n, m) and R. (iii)− The periodic revival of entanglement strongly depends on the physical parameters and quantum numbers.