Maximal intensity projection (MIP) is routinely used to view MRA and other volumetric angiographic data. The straightforward implementation of MIP is ray casting that traces a volumetric data set in a computationally expensive manner. This article reports a fast MIP algorithm using shear warp factorization and reduced resampling that drastically reduced the redundancy in the computations for projection, thereby speeding up MIP by more than 10 times. Maximum intensity projection (MIP) is the most widely used algorithm for displaying volumetric angiographic data in MRI and CT (1-6). A brute force method for implementing MIP is ray casting and searching for the maximal intensity in that ray (7). The computation cost consists of addressing the data storage and resampling data along a ray. Because addressing arithmetic has to be performed for each ray, the computation becomes expensive for the large datasets typically associated with high-resolution angiographic data. The shear warp factorization method has been developed to minimize the amount of addressing arithmetic required for ray casting in volume rendering (8 -11). Recently, this shear warp factorization has also been adapted to speed up projections in MIP based on nearest neighbor approximation (12). In this study, we developed the shear warp factorized MIP using linear interpolation, which is more accurate than the nearest neighbor approximation (13). We also introduced a reduced resampling method to further reduce the redundancy in computation. We evaluated our fast MIP algorithm on volumetric time of flight and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) data.
Ray Casting and Shear WarpFor reference, the ray casting method is illustrated in Fig. 1. The shear warp factorization method is illustrated in Fig. 2. The shear warp factorization method operates by factorizing the viewing transformation matrix into a 3D shear parallel to the data slices to form an intermediate but distorted projection image and then applying a 2D warp to form an undistorted final image (11). For affine viewing transformation matrix (M view ) concerned in this study, the shear warp factorization includes a permutation (represented by matrix P), a 3D shear (represented by matrix M shear ), and a 2D warp (represented by matrix M warp ): M view ϭ M warp M shear P. The permutation matrix P is associated with the choice of the principal viewing axis. The geometry specified by the viewing matrix M view determines the shear matrix M shear and the warp matrix M warp (only a 2D warp matrix is needed). The details for the calculation of M shear and M warp from a given M view can be found in Ref. 11 and are summarized in the Appendix.This shear warp factorization allows substantial reduction of computation cost, which we demonstrate here for the case of linear interpolation. The computation for trilinear resampling in ray casting (Fig. 1b) is: