We describe a method to perform scalar multiplication on two classes of ordinary elliptic curves, namely E:y2=x3+Ax in prime characteristic p≡1normalmod0.2em4, and E:y2=x3+B in prime characteristic p≡1normalmod0.2em3. On these curves, the 4-th and 6-th roots of unity act as (computationally efficient) endomorphisms. In order to optimise the scalar multiplication, we consider a width-w-NAF (Non-Adjacent Form) digit expansion of positive integers to the complex base of τ, where τ is a zero of the characteristic polynomial x2−tx+p of the Frobenius endomorphism associated to the curve. We provide a precomputationless algorithm by means of a convenient factorisation of the unit group of residue classes modulo τ in the endomorphism ring, whereby we construct a digit set consisting of powers of subgroup generators, which are chosen as efficient endomorphisms of the curve.