Abstract:Bronchodilators represent the hallmark of symptomatic treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). There are four categories of bronchodilators: anticholinergics, methylxanthines, short-acting β 2 -agonists, and long-acting β 2 -agonists such as formoterol. Signifi cant research has been performed to investigate the effi cacy, safety and tolerability of formoterol in the therapeutic fi eld of COPD. Formoterol exhibits a rapid onset of bronchodilation similar to that observed with salbutamol, yet its long bronchodilatory duration is comparable to salmeterol. In addition, formoterol presents with a clear superiority in lung function improvement compared with either ipratropium bromide or oral theophylline, while its effi cacy improves when administered in combination with ipratropium. Formoterol has been shown to better reduce dynamic hyperinfl ation, which is responsible for exercise intolerance and dyspnea in COPD patients, compared with other bronchodilators, whereas it exerts synergistic effect with tiotropium. Moreover, formoterol reduces exacerbations, increases days free of use of rescue medication and improves patients' quality of life and disease symptoms. Formoterol has a favorable safety profi le and is better tolerated than theophylline. Collectively, data extracted from multicenter clinical trials support formoterol as a valid therapeutic option in the treatment of COPD.