Many wild plants around us have beneficial effects on our body and can be used as food. People are more and more interested in the medicinal plants. Many of them began gathering and preparing plants for the relief of symptoms of diseases or as a food dietary. Due to the lack of knowledge of plants, mistaking plants that contain toxins for medical plants may happen and cause adverse effects or even poisoning. The Poison Control Centre in Ljubljana keeps records of patients who have been admitted to the department because of adverse effects from the ingestion of certain plants. We analysed 64 cases, which were registered by the Poison Control Centre between January 2000 and December 2013. The aim of the present study was to determine which plants cause the most intoxications in Slovenia.Key words: medicinal plants, intoxication, misidentification, abuse, suicidal attempt
IZVLEČEK ŠKODLJIVI UČINKI IN ZASTRUPITVE Z ZDRAVILNIMI/STRUPENIMI RASTLINAMIMnogo rastlin, ki nas obdaja, ima blagodejen vpliv na naše zdravje in so lahko dodatek k prehrani. Ljudje se vse bolj zanimajo za zdravilne rastline. Ljudje so začeli sami nabirati divje rastoče rastline in jih pripravljati za lajšanje bolezenskih simptomov ali kot dodatke k hrani. Zaradi nepoznavanja rastlin pa se lahko dogajajo zamenjave zdravilnih rastlin z rastlinami, ki vsebujejo strupene snovi in lahko povzročajo neželene učinke ali celo zastrupitve. Center za zastrupitve v Ljubljani beleži paciente, ki so bili sprejeti na njihov oddelek zaradi neželenih učinkov, ki so jih utrpeli po zaužitju nekaterih rastlin. Preverili smo 64 primerov, ki so bili zapisani na Centru za zastrupitve v časovnem obdobju od januarja 2000 do decembra 2013. Cilj raziskave je bil prikazati, katere rastline predstavljajo največji problem v Sloveniji.