Nontraumatic spinal cord injury from surfing is a new entity first described in 2004 and likely of ischemic etiology. We report the case of a 25-year-old man who presented to the emergency department with a 2-week history of lower extremity weakness after surfing in Indonesia. The patient reported developing low back pain, lower extremity weakness, sensory changes, and urinary retention shortly after his first surfing lesson. The patient was subsequently diagnosed with surfer's myelopathy. The purpose of this report is to review the clinical presentation, etiology, risk factors, and management of this increasingly described entity.
RÉ SUMÉLes blessures à la moelle é piniè re non traumatiques causé es par le surf constituent une nouvelle entité , dé crite pour la premiè re fois en 2004 et d'é tiologie isché mique probable. Nous faisons é tat du cas d'un homme de 25 ans qui s'est pré senté au service des urgences avec un historique de faiblesse aux extré mité s depuis 2 semaines, aprè s avoir fait du surf en Indoné sie. Le patient a rapporté avoir dé veloppé une douleur au bas du dos, une faiblesse des extré mité s infé rieures, des modifications sensorielles et de la ré tention urinaire peu de temps aprè s sa premiè re leç on de surf. On a par la suite diagnostiqué au patient une myé lopathie du surfeur. Le but de ce rapport est de faire la revue du tableau clinique, de l'é tiologie, des facteurs de risque et de la gestion de cette entité de plus en plus souvent mentionné e.Keywords: myelopathy, paraparesis, spinal cord injury, surfer, surfing It is estimated that over 18 million individuals surf worldwide.1 As surfing grows in popularity, surfing injuries are undoubtedly becoming more common. The increasing popularity of this sport is likely attributable, at least in part, to the commercialization of surfing apparel and the freedom and exhilaration of the stereotypical surfing lifestyle. Craniospinal injuries associated with surfing have been previously reported. These injuries are usually traumatic secondary to head impact with the sea floor or due to a direct blow by a surfboard. 1 Surfer's myelopathy is a nontraumatic spinal cord injury that affects novice surfers. To date, only 10 cases of this condition have been reported in the medical literature, and surfer's myelopathy is believed to be an underdiagnosed and thus underreported condition.2,3 We describe a case of a beginner surfer with lower thoracic spinal cord injury that developed insidiously after his first surfing lesson and then review the literature on this condition.
CASE REPORTA 25-year-old previously healthy man took a 1-hour surfing lesson in Bali, Indonesia. He reported no untoward traumatic events while surfing. Approximately an hour later, he began to experience low back pain radiating down to his lower limbs, paresthesias, and bilateral lower extremity weakness. In the subsequent hours, he developed urinary retention, increasing abdominal pain, and difficulty ambulating. A hotel doctor saw him, and he was catheterized for 2 L of uri...