This study examines the use of chemical dispersant to treat an oil spill after the initial release. The natural and chemically enhanced dispersion of four oil products (dilbit, dilynbit, synbit and conventional crude) were investigated in a wave tank. Experiments were conducted in spring and summer to capture the impact of temperature, and the conditions in the tank were of breaking waves with a wave height of 0.4 m. The results showed that natural dispersion effectiveness (DE) was less than 10%. But the application of dispersant increased the DE by an order of magnitude with a statistically significant level (p < 0.05). Season (spring versus summer) had an effect on chemical DE of all oils, except for the conventional oil. Thus, the DE of dilbit products is highly dependent on the season/temperature. A model was fitted to the DE as a function of oil viscosity for the chemically dispersed oil, and the correlation was found to be very good. The model was then combined with a previous model compiled by the author predicting oil viscosity as a function of time, to produce a model that predicts the DE as function of time. Such a relation could be used for responders tackling oil spills.Keywords: Access Western Blend (condensate/bitumen-dilbit); Western Canadian Select (condensate mixed with synthetic crude/bitumen-dilsynbit); Synthetic Bitumen (synthetic crude/bitumen-Synbit); Heidrun; dispersant; wave tank; dispersion effectiveness (DE) J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2018, 6, 128 3 of 16
Wave Tank FacilityThe wave tank facility is located at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (BIO) in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The tank dimensions are 30 m long, 0.6 m wide and 2.0 m high, with a typical water level of 1.5 m (Figure 1). The tank is equipped with a series of manifolds to generate a more or less uniform current along the wave propagation direction; hence, the label flow-through system has been used to evaluate dispersant effectiveness of fresh and weathered crude oils [4,5,8,[14][15][16].