A simple and economical procedure for accurate determinations of toughness and lifetime parameters of ceramics is described. Indentation flaws are introduced into strength test pieces, which are then taken to failure under specified stressing and environmental conditions. By controlling the size of the critical flaw, via the contact load, material characteristics can be represented universally on "master maps" without the need for statistical considerations. This paper surveys both the theoretical background and the experimental methodology associated with the scheme. The theory is developed for "point" flaws for dynamic and static fatigue, incorporating load explicitly into the analysis. A vital element of the fracture mechanics is the role played by residual contact stresses in driving the cracks to failure. Experimental data on a range of Vickers-indented glasses and ceramics are included to illustrate the power of the method as a means of graphic materials evaluation. It is demonstrated that basic fracture mechanics parameters can be measured directly from the slopes, intercepts and plateaus on the master maps, and that these parameters are consistent, within experimental error, with macroscopic crack growth laws.Key words: ceramics; fatigue; indentation flaw; lifetime prediction; master maps; materials evaluation; strength; toughness; universal curves.
IntroductionThe increasing use of glasses and ceramics as structural materials has prompted the development of new and accurate techniques for evaluating intrinsic fracture parameters. Chief among these parameters are the fracture toughness, K e , and the crack velocity exponent, n, which respectively characterize the equilibrium and kinetic crack growth responses. In the context of brittle design it is essential t<;l achieve an adequate level of precision in such parameter evaluations. This is particularly so in the consideration of component integrity under sustained stresses and chemical environments, where apparently minor uncertainties can translate into order-of-magnitude discrepancies in lifetime predictions.A standard method of determining basic fracture parameters for design is to measure the strengths of representative test specimens in flexure. However, for specimens with typically as-received or as-prepared surfaces, these strengths depend not only on the intrinsic material properties but on the flaw distributions as well. It is then not possible to investigate these two elements of the 453 problem in any truly independent way. Evaluation of material parameters becomes a mere exercise in statistical data manipulation, with little or no physical insight into the nature of the critical flaws responsible for failure [1-2V This probabilistic approach makes it difficult to assess the relative merits of different materials from the standpoint of intrinsic properties alone.A controlled-flaw technique which effectively eliminates the statistical component from strength testing has been described in a series of recent articles [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]...