The fatigue and fracture behavior of C/C composites fabricated using fine-woven carbon fiber laminates with α = 0/90 • direction were investigated. Also, the phenomenon of crack growth behavior and the shear damage in the fiber bundle was discussed. Slits of several sizes were cut on both sides of a test section and different sizes of slit length were chosen. The effect of the slit configuration on crack initiation and growth behavior was observed. Specimens with blunt-notches and center-holes were also used to compare the fatigue strength and crack growth behavior. Non-propagating cracks were observed and fatigue limit was defined as the maximum stress at which specimen did not break for N = 10 7 cycles stress application. The longest fatigue life was obtained in the case of specimens with shorter slits. The relationships between fatigue strengths and specimen shapes were analyzed by stress concentration, Kt, and stress intensity factor, K I . The effect of slit configuration on fatigue strength was then discussed regarding both the experimental and calculated consequences.