Results of a geometrically nonlinear finite element parametric study to determine curvature correction factors or "bulging factors" that account for increased crack-tip stresses due to curvature for longitudinal and circumferential cracks in unstiffened cylindrical shells subjected to combined loads are presented. Nondimensional parameters varied in the study include the shell curvature parameter, λ , which is a function of the shell radius, the shell wall thickness, and the crack length; a pressure loading parameter, η , which is a function of the shell geometry, material properties and the applied internal pressure; and a biaxial loading parameter, χ , which is the ratio of the farfield axial stress to the farfield circumferential stress. The major results are presented in the form of contour plots of the bulging factor as a function of these three nondimensional parameters. These plots identify the ranges of the shell curvature and loading parameters for which the effects of geometric nonlinearity are significant, and show the effect of the biaxial loads on the value of the bulging factor. Simple empirical expressions for the bulging factor are then derived from the numerical results and are shown to predict accurately the nonlinear response of shells with longitudinal and circumferential cracks.