Predicting fatigue crack growth in metals remains a difficult task because available models are based on cycle-derivative equations, such as the Paris law, while service loads are often far from being cyclic. The main objective of this paper is therefore to propose a set of time-derivative equations for fatigue crack growth. The model is based on the thermodynamics of dissipative processes. For this purpose, three global state variables are introduced in order to characterize the state of the crack: the crack length a, the plastic blunting at crack tip ρ and the intensity of crack opening C. Thermodynamics counterparts are introduced for each variable. Special attention is paid to the elastic energy stored inside the crack tip plastic zone, because, in practice, residual stresses at crack tip are known to considerably influence fatigue crack growth. The stored energy is included in the energy balance equation, and this leads to the appearance of a kinematics hardening term in the yield criterion for the cracked structure. No dissipation is associated with crack opening, but to crack growth and to crack tip blunting. Finally, the model consists in two laws: a crack propagation law, which is a relationship between dρ/dt and da/dt and which observes the inequality stemmed from the second principle, and an elastic-plastic constitutive behaviour for the cracked structure, which provides dρ/dt versus applied-load. The model was implemented and tested. It reproduces successfully the main features of fatigue crack growth as reported in the literature, such as the Paris law, the stress-ratio effect and the overload retardation effect.