Chronic renal failure is slow, the course of disease is long, and it is difficult to heal. At present, modern medicine is faced with many difficulties in treatment, and it is difficult to break through. The Chinese medicine treats the symptoms according to the whole concept and has obtained good curative effect. Although the pathogenesis of the disease is complicated, in the whole process of onset, deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality is still the most critical. It is often caused by deficiency of spleen and kidney, disorder of liver ascending and lung descending, combined with phlegm-dampness and stasis toxin, and the disturbance of internal and external wind. Consequently. It is necessary to treat multiple viscera at the same time, and treat both manifestation and root cause of disease. The theory of "Peace and Balance" fully interprets the overall concept of Chinese medicine, we advocate "aim for peace" and Incorporate "balance" throughout the entire treatment,to reach the balance of yin and yang. Therefore, this article will discuss the treatment based on syndrome differentiation of Chronic renal failure by the theory of "Peace and Balance".