43201. MCIC's objective is to provide a comprehensive current resource of technical information on the development and utilization of advanced metal-or ceramic-base materials. The Center is operated by Battelle-Columbus under Contract Number DSA900-74-C-0616 for the U.S. Defense Supply Agency; technical aspects of MCIC operations are monitored by the Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center. The support of these sponsor organizations is gratefully acknowledged. This document was prepared under the sponsorship of the Department of Defense. r-.;either the United States Government nor any person acti11g on behalf of the United States Government assumes any liabil1ty resulting from the use or publication of the information conta1ned in this document or warrants that such use or publication will be free from pr1vately owned rights. Approved for public release; distribution unlim1ted All nghts reserved. This document, or parts thereof. may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the Metals and Ceram1cs Information Center. .. II i J TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND. Textures in Titanium Deformation Mechanisms Cold-Rolled Textures Annealing Textures. .