SUMMARYThe effects of gestation and lactation on the dynamics of the thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T 3 ) and thyroxine (T 4 ) were evaluated in Crioula Lanada Serrana ewes from the plateau region in Santa Catarina -Brazil. To evaluate the effects of gestation, twenty four ewes were randomly divided into groups I and II. Group I was composed of 12 pregnant ewes and the control group (II) was composed of 12 non-pregnant ewes. The effects of lactation were evaluated in the same ewes of group I after parturition (LE) and in the control group (NL). Blood samples were taken in the first, second and third periods of gestation, at parturition, and at 30, 60 and 90 days of lactation. T 3 and T 4 concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Pregnant ewes showed lower serum concentrations of T 3 and T 4 than those of non-pregnant ewes. At parturition, there was no significant difference in T 3 concentrations between groups I and II (p>0.05). During lactation, serum T 3 concentrations were lower (p≤0.05) in LE than in NL ewes. Serum T 3 concentrations were greater (p≤0.05) at lambing than during the lactation periods. Serum T 4 concentrations in LE at parturition did not differ (p>0.05) from those of NL ewes. During lactation, T 4 concentrations of LE were lower (p≤0.05) than those of the NL ewes. The results of this study have shown that gestation causes a variation in the T 3 and T 4 serum concentrations, and that lactation results in a decrease of serum concentrations of T 3 and T 4 in Crioula Lanada Serrana ewes.
RESUMOOs efeitos da gestação e lactação sobre a dinâmica dos hormônios tireoidianos triiodotironina (T 3 ) e tiroxina (T 4 ) foram avaliados em ovelhas Crioula Lanada Serrana na região do Planalto Serrano Catarinense. Para avaliar os efeitos da gestação, foram utilizadas vinte e quatro ovelhas distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos. O grupo I foi formado por 12 ovelhas gestantes e o grupo controle por 12 ovelhas não gestantes (grupo II). Os efeitos da lactação foram avaliados nas mesmas ovelhas do grupo I após a parição (LE) e no grupo controle (NL). Foram colhidas amostras sanguíneas no primeiro, segundo e terceiro terço da gestação, ao parto e aos 30, 60 e 90 dias de lactação. As concentrações de T 3 e T 4 foram determinadas por radioimunoensaio (RIA). As ovelhas gestantes apresentaram concentrações séricas de T 3 e T 4 inferiores àquelas não gestantes. Ao parto não houve diferença significativa nas concentrações de T 3 entre os grupos I e II (p>0,05). Durante a lactação as concentrações Archivos de zootecnia vol. 59, núm. 228, p. 510