In a previous work we pointed out the hlgh correlation among the presence of antithyroid antibodies (AB), thyrold function alteration and clinical symptans in children with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (DMID). In the actual study, the chronic lymphocitic thy-rolditis (CLT), antithyroid AC and alteration function in patients wlth DMID was evaluated. From a total of 228 pts,in 78 (age 11.6 + 4.31, basal TSH and/or post TRH, T4, T3 by RIE and microscmal anti-fraction (MiAE) antithyroid AC and antlthyrcqlobulin (A'lg) haemoglu-tlnation was done. CLT presence (Fisher's criteria) was determined in 20 pts (25%): 16 girls, 4 toys; 11,6 years + 3.43, 90% (18/20) of which presented thyroid functlon alteration with high basal TSH-X 7.39 + 3.49 u W (p-x 0.001) and or frank hyper response to TRH (>of 25 uLknl). 85% of the patients presented cllnical symptans; goiter was detected in 65%. CLT prevalence was significatively greater in the first four years of the diabetes evolution. The frequency of MiAF positive titles was 15.4% of the diabetlc and 50% of CLT patients. m e to the high prevalence, 258, we conclude that thyroid function study, AC dosage and clinical exam must be lncluded In all the children with DMID, specially in the flrst four years after the onset of the dlsease. PEDIATRIC AIDS: ANATOMOPATWOLCGY OF AVrOPSY CASES Jullo Goldberq, R.Fuksman, M.Siminovich. Servicio de Patologia. Hospltal de Pediatria Garrahan, Buenos Aires, Argentlna. ~qine autopsies were performed between 1988-1992 in chlldren with AIDS belonging to a pi of 150 HIV infected children.Symptans %an In all patlents during the first year of life(range:O-10 months,X:3 nonths).Seven died before one year of age,and two when they were 3 years old(range:O-36 months,X:1,7 years).source of infection was: blood transfusion in 3(2 nothers and 1 child),tatm in both parents in 1,drug adlctlon in parents in 4,durg adiction and prctrusculty in 1.Autopsles were performed and processed routinely.5/9 had hepatho-megaly;3/9 splenomegaly;2/9 cardimqa1y;and 1 child had lntraventrl-cular bleedlnq. South Pmerican trypanosmiasis, histoplasmosis,congenital syphllls and pneumxystis carinii,one case each.We did not see neoplastic diseases ,proMly becuase of the early age of death of our cases.No concurrent infections were recorded.Lymph nodeand lung angiomatosis were not associated with Kaposi's sarcm.We have not found neither coronary nor peripheral arteriopathy,as it was reported by Joshi et al.Neither dld we flnd focal segmental sclerosis on the kidneys.Opportunistlc in-Eectlons could not have beendlagnos4 on clin~cal qrounds.