Rats with carnitine deficiency due to trimethylhydrazinium propionate (mildronate) administered at 80 mg/100 g body weight per day for 10 days developed liver steatosis only upon fasting. This study aimed to determine whether the transient steatosis resulted from triglyceride accumulation due to the amount of fatty acids preserved through impaired fatty acid oxidation and/or from upregulation of lipid exchange between liver and adipose tissue. In liver, mildronate decreased the carnitine content by ϳ13-fold and, in fasted rats, lowered the palmitate oxidation rate by 50% in the perfused organ, increased 9-fold the triglyceride content, and doubled the hepatic very low density lipoprotein secretion rate. Concomitantly, triglyceridemia was 13-fold greater than in controls. Hepatic carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity and palmitate oxidation capacities measured in vitro were increased after treatment. Gene expression of hepatic proteins involved in fatty acid oxidation, triglyceride formation, and lipid uptake were all increased and were associated with increased hepatic free fatty acid content in treated rats. In periepididymal adipose tissue, mildronate markedly increased lipoprotein lipase and hormone-sensitive lipase activities in fed and fasted rats, respectively. On refeeding, carnitine-depleted rats exhibited a rapid decrease in blood triglycerides and free fatty acids, then after ϳ2 h, a marked drop of liver triglycerides and a progressive decrease in liver free fatty acids. Data show that up-regulation of liver activities, peripheral lipolysis, and lipoprotein lipase activity were likely essential factors for excess fat deposit and release alternately occurring in liver and adipose tissue of carnitine-depleted rats during the fed/fasted transition.Fat is mainly deposited in adipose tissue, but is also observed in liver biopsies of humans suffering from disorders originating, for instance, from alcohol abuse, diabetes (1), or intoxications (2). Fat storage usually results from the imbalance of the partitioning of lipids between their utilization as energy sources and their preservation or synthesis as triglycerides (TG) 2 initially provided by excess feeding or increased lipogenesis (3). Liver steatosis may also exist when the lipoprotein secretion mechanisms are impaired (4, 5). Genetic models of animal obesity (6, 7) and overweight humans (8, 9) have provided information on regulations occurring in adipose tissue and liver, in which fat deposit may be the consequence of actions mediated by insulin, such as inhibition of fatty acid (FA) oxidation (10) or increased lipogenesis (11,12), and even of hypothalamic injuries (13). Experimental studies have been undertaken to amplify the inhibition of the FA oxidation pathway with drugs that reduce the carnitine-dependent transfer of FA into mitochondria, for example, etomoxir for the carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) I step (14), L-aminocarnitine for the CPT II step (15), or 3,2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium propionate (mildronate) for liver carnitine biosynth...