Natural fractures form preferred pathways for basinal fl uid fl ow and associated heat and mass transport. In gas sandstone reservoirs with low matrix permeability, fractures provide fl ow pathways between organic-rich source and reservoir layers during gas charge, and between matrix pores, hydraulic fractures, and the well bore during production. While the formation of natural fractures has previously been associated with gas generation and pore-fl uid pressure increase through a process referred to as natural hydraulic fracturing, other driving mechanisms such as stress changes by tectonic or exhumation processes remained viable alternatives. To test whether these mechanisms contributed to fracture development, we investigated the spatial and temporal distribution of fracture formation and its relationship to gas generation, migration, and charge in sandstone of the Cretaceous Mesaverde Group across the entire production interval on a basinwide scale. Using fl uid inclusion microthermometry of crack-seal fracture cement formed concurrently with fracture opening, we observed temperature trends that, when compared with temperature evolution models of the formation, date fracture formation between 41 and 6 Ma in the northern and between 39 and 6 Ma in the southern Piceance Basin. The onset of fracture formation 20-30 m.y. prior to maximum burial eliminates changes in stress state asso ciated with exhumation as a mechanism for triggering the onset of fracture formation. Instead, calculated paleo-pore-fl uid pressures of 40-90 MPa (5800-13,000 psi) during fracture opening and the presence of methane-rich inclusions in fracture cement suggest that fracture formation was aided by high pore-fl uid pres-For permission to copy, contact