The relevance of the wide use of diagnostic equipment to assess and predict the condition of mining machineries of potash mines is presented in this paper. A promising method of diagnosing the base components of mining machineries (load frames and integral body), which involves an analysis of excited vibrations, is described. The equipment for its implementation is presented. An example of assessing the condition of steelwork of the body of a self-propelled loader bunker BPS-25 is given in the paper. The implementation of an analyzer of the synchronous vibrations «Kamerton» manufactured by Scientific-Production Enterprise «ROS» LLC (Perm) is instrumental in determining the presence of structural changes in a body’s steel of a loader bunker and in confining the position of fatigue cracks. It is shown that the wear of the sides and body’s floor pan of the loader bunker is not uniform. The limiting values of the loss of metal on the sides and floor pan are determined. In this paper, the search for faults was carried out in the entire metal volume of the examined unit. The evidence that the use of «Kamerton» equipment allows reducing material and time costs for the assessment of the mechanical condition of the structural steelwork of mining machineries is presented.