Abstract-Continuous online monitoring of transmission line is required for proper functioning of power system. This paper presents two simulink model one for single transmission line, singly fed and the other for parallel transmission line doubly fed and presents the simulation result which shows the continuous variation in transmission line impedance before, during and after the fault. This paper shows the effect of different factors like prefault system condition, ground fault resistance, series compensation effect individually and then taking together on impedance plot under line to ground fault and three phase to ground fault. In case of parallel transmission line the paper have taken into account of mutual coupling effect also.Index Terms-series compensation, parallel lines, R-X plot, mutual coupling effect, protective relay, type of fault, distance protection.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe capital investment involved in a power system for the generation , transmission and distribution of electrical power is so great that proper precautions must be taken to ensure that the equipment not only operates to its peak efficiencies but also that it is protected from different kind of faults. The continuous online monitoring of transmission line is required to operate the correct circuit breakers so as to disconnect only the faulty equipment from the system as fast as possible, thus minimizing the trouble and damage caused by faults when they occur.
A. Single Transmission Lines Equipped with SeriesCompensation bus1 C F bus2
Fig:1 Single Transmission Lines Equipped with Series Compensation CapacitorsSeries compensation is used to meet maximum power demand and to improve stability limit of power. In order to meet the high demand for power transmission capacity series capacitors are installed on power transmission lines. This allows the impedance of the line to be lowered, thus yielding increased transmission capability. The series capacitor makes sense because it's simple and it can provide the benefits of increased system stability, reduced system losses, and better voltage regulation. Protective distance relays, which make use of impedance measurements in order to determine the presence and location of faults, are "fooled" by installed series capacitance on the line when the presence or absence of the capacitor in the fault circuit is not known a priori. This is because the capacitance cancels or compensates some of the inductance of the line and therefore the relay may perceive a fault to be in its first zone when the fault is actually in the second or third zone of protection [1].
B. Distance protection aspect for parallel transmission line
Zl1Za Zb pZl2 F (1-p)Zl2 In general the relay algorithm are designed without considering the effects like series compensation, mutual coupling in case of parallel transmission line . In a single-line system, the measured voltage is proportional to the positive and zero sequence impedance during a single-phase-to ground