Four different mechanisms (frictional heating, magmatic intrusion, free convection, and forced convection) have been tested as possible causes to explain the localized and relatively high geothermal anomalies found along master faults of graben structures. Forced convection is the only mechanism found to be generally able to generate the anomalies. The Vall•s-Pened•s basin (NE Spain) is used to illustrate the results of the different mechanisms. In general, it is concluded that forced convection will generate geothermal anomalies when several conditions are met: water circulation has to be deep and slow in its descent; deep reaching faults must exist to allow a rapid ascension of water; and some sort of sealing along the ascending conduit has to prevent mixing with cold water. The hydraulic model of the Vall•s-Pened•s graben rules out a possible circulation through the sediments filling the basin, and therefore a circulation model through the adjacent horst is proposed. This model is supported by isotopic data. Such a model is not restricted to horst and graben structures but can be used to explain anomalies found in compressive geological settings. 1986]. THE VALL•2S-PENEDf!!S GRABEN Geological Setting The Vall•s-Pened•s graben (Figure 1) is an extensional structure that may be related to the European Cenozoic Rift System which transects western Europe in a roughly NS direction [Julivert et al., 1974]. The northeastern part of Iberia was under compression during most of the Paleogene with ENE-WSW and NW-SE fault reactivation.An extensional episode caused basin formation starting at the beginning of the Neogene (Figure 1). The Vall•s-Pened•s graben is filled with arkosic and clay sediments of Neogene age. The NW shoulder of the graben, formed by the Montseny Massif, is mainly late Hercynian granitoids and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. The SE shoulder is mainly late Hercynian plutonic rocks and Mesozoic sediments. Depth to the basement is about 3000 m and 1000 m at the NW and SE margins, respectively (Figures 2a and 2b).
Hydrological and Thermal DataThe study area is delimited by four natural groundwater divides: The Montseny Massif to the north, the Mogent and 4887 E. Banda and M. Fernhndez, Institut Jaume Almera, CSIC, Marff i Franqu6s s/n,