This paper investigates fault-tolerant control (FTC) for feedback linearizable systems (FLSs) and its application to an aircraft. To ensure desired transient and steady-state behaviors of the tracking error under actuator faults, the dynamic effect caused by the actuator failures on the error dynamics of a transformed model is analyzed, and three control strategies are designed. The first FTC strategy is proposed as a robust controller, which relies on the explicit information about several parameters of the actuator faults. To eliminate the need for these parameters and the input chattering phenomenon, the robust control law is later combined with the adaptive technique to generate the adaptive FTC law. Next, the adaptive control law is further improved to achieve the prescribed performance under more severe input disturbance. Finally, the proposed control laws are applied to an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle (AHV) subject to actuator failures, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed strategies. International Journal of Control FinalKK 2 G. Gao et al.compared with the active strategies, the passive FTC requires no switching or reconfiguration of the controller (Ma and Tao 2000; Fan and Song 2012). In addition, avoiding the time delay that is required by the active FTC for fault diagnosis and controller reconfiguration, the passive approaches are important in practical applications when the available reaction time is short after the occurrence of the faults (Liang et al. 2004;Zhang and Jiang 2008;Benosman and Lum 2010). Furthermore, to complement the active approaches during the fault diagnosis and controller reconfiguration phase, the passive schemes are necessary to ensure the stability of the faulty system (Benosman and Lum 2010). For a relatively complete coverage and recent developments of researches on FTC, readers are referred to the survey Zhang and Jiang (2008) and the references therein.In real applications, the feedback linearizable system (FLS) represents a commonly encountered class of nonlinear systems. Provided that the system dynamics is exactly known, the FLS can be made to have the linear behavior through coordinate transformation and state feedback, and the resulting linearized system can be effectively controlled using well-established design tools (Isidori 1985;Fliess and Hazewinkel 1986;Slotine and Li 1991). Consequently, the technique of feedback linearization has been successfully implemented in various applications, such as manipulator control (Divelbiss and Wen 1997), automatic control of aircraft (M'Closkey and Murray 1997) and switch-mode power conversion (Liebal, Vijayraghavan, and Sreenath 1993).For the feedback linearization technique, a significant drawback is that it relies on the precise model of the system for exact cancellation of the nonlinear terms. When the system is affected by uncertain dynamics, this cancellation is no longer exact, and the relation between the transformed input and output is no longer linear. More specifically, in the presence of actuator unce...