Abstract-This paper presents a new formal modeling framework for reconfigurable control. The main idea is to use the STRIPS (STanford Research Institute Problem Solver), a formal language for automated planning which can integrate the cause-effect knowledge and the automated reasoning mechanism into one model. A qualitative model based on a graph of states is chosen. Transitions between states are determined from the possible actions (as defined as controls to the actuators). Each action is modeled in terms of preconditions and effects. The STRIPS can qualitatively define the fault models without requiring detail and precise knowledge of faulty components. Automated planning is an interesting tool for reconfigurable control. Since the process may end up in any one of a very large number of states after a break-down, it is not realistic to have recovery plans designed in advance for all such states. It is, thus, desirable to invoke a planner in the case of break-downs, which finds a plan that brings the process back into normal operation again, and that is the nature of reconfigurable control.