The main objective of this paper is to identify fault type and faulted phase focus on the time delay values of reflected phase and modal current signals. The proposed method identifies fault type with the help of amplitude maxima of detail wavelet coefficient of residual current. The time delay values of phase and modal current reflected signals are used to detect faulty phase instead of using threshold values. Using time delay as a fault type identification parameter is achieved to save the overall protection system operating time because time delay is also the main feature of traveling wave fault location method. Moreover, to ensure the applied wavelet filter, the proposed algorithm is tested with the detail information of the three mother wavelets, such as db4, db6 and db8 and chosen the highest classification accuracy. Various disturbance events were tested with changing different possible fault types, faulted-feeders, fault resistances, fault locations and fault inception times on a loop distribution system. The robustness of the proposed faulted phase selection algorithm is performed through MATLAB Simulation.