In order to contribute to the elaboration of an inventory of the bryophytic flora of Morocco, we were interested in the present study in the bryoflora of the National Park of Talassemtane (PNTS). It is an original site by its rich biodiversity, located in the Western Rif near the town of Chefchaouen. The inventory was carried out with the help of 72 surveys in 8 different stations following a sampling of bryophytes carried out during five years, from 2014 to 2019, when periods are favourable for harvesting. A total of 132 taxa were recorded, including 123 Mosses, 8 Liverworts and a unique Anthocerote, grouping 27 families and 60 genera. Thus, the moss class is the most represented in all the stations surveyed, either 93%, including 18 families and 51 genera. The bryophytic species are either harvested on a single type of substrate, or they are both saxicolous and/or terricolous and/or epiphytic; as there are those that are aquatic or supra-aquatic.Saxicolous bryophytes seem to be the most represented (54 taxa), followed by epiphytes and terricoles, then supra-aquatic, aquatic, epixyles and muricoles. Timmiella barbiloides and Lunularia cruciata are widely distributed in the study area with varying abundance classes. Antitrichia californica is dominant (IES=300) but is more widely distributed in the park fir forest. Thus we noted 39.4% of the taxa listed as very scarce in the study site. Among the inventoried bryophytes, 30 species are newly observed in the study region; among them, three were identified for the first time in Morocco, Didymodon sinuosus, Didymodon umbrosus and Scleropodium obtusifolium, where the first two belong to the family Pottiaceae and the last one to the family Brachyteciaceae. Scleropodium obtusifolium is new to North African countries. Thus, this study has enriched the bryological flora of Morocco and even that of North Africa.