Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, v.23, n.4, p.39-52, out./dez. 2018 40 que o Padrão de Descrição de Informação possui um alto grau de completude, necessitando de pequenas intervenções a fim de permitir uma descrição mais completa deste tipo de material. Palavras-chave: Fazenda histórica paulista. Patrimônio cultural. Catalogação. MARC 21. Partituras.
Comparative study of Information Description Standard and MARC 21 in score of pianolaThe variety of material goods located in São Paulo historical farms increased the concern about preserving and sharing the major society historical references of the Brazilian economic formation. Regarding for the preservation of the environments culminated a public policy projects development, in order to obtain as a result the tools for the organization and recording of the capital assets: Rural Virtual Memory system (RVM), for the registration of the items and Information Description Standard (IDS), which allows to be catalogued, in order to get all the heritage located on these farms listed, because of its variety of fields. In the present project, a comparative study of the Information Description Standard (IDS) and the MARC 21 Standard for application in score of pianola, allowed to evaluate the capability description of the first one. Starting from an exploratory research, we created the theoretical framework about cataloging. From the point of view of its nature, it is an applied research. The approach was presented as qualitative, since their results are not obtained by numerical analysis. Finally, it was found that the IDS have a high degree of completeness, but it requires a little assistance to enable a more complete description of this kind of material.