). Since the solubility of iron is low and it is toxic at low concentrations, following uptake, iron is stored in subcellular microenvironments in the iron storage protein ferritin (C. Cheers and M. Ho, J. Reticuloendothel. Soc. 34:299-309, 1983). Here, we show that ferritin-like proteins (Frl) are highly conserved in the genus Listeria and demonstrate that these proteins are present in both the cytoplasm and cell wall fractions of these bacteria. Even though Frl is expressed under different growth conditions, transcriptional mapping revealed that its regulation is complex. When bacteria are grown in brain heart infusion medium, extracellular expression involves both sigma A (SigA)-and sigma B (SigB)-dependent promoters; however, during intracellular growth, initiation of transcription is additionally SigB dependent. The expression of Frl is greatly enhanced in bacteria grown in the presence of blood, and a mutant strain lacking the frl gene was defective for growth in this medium. Using the monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for Frl, we demonstrate that administration of anti-Frl MAb prior to infection confers antilisterial resistance in vivo, evidenced in reduced bacterial load and increased survival rates, thereby demonstrating the in vivo significance of upregulated cell surface-associated Frl expression. In vitro studies revealed that the antilisterial resistance is due to increased listerial phagocytosis.Listeria monocytogenes, the causative agent of listeriosis, is a well-described food-borne pathogen known to infect immunocompromised individuals, leading to severe clinical symptoms, such as meningitis and septicemia (16,29,38). L. monocytogenes is widely considered to be one of the leading causes of food-borne infections with high case fatalities (40). Also, infection with L. monocytogenes during pregnancy can lead to choriomeningitis and miscarriage (29, 37). Immunity to systemic infections in listeriosis has been linked to cellular immunity and more recently to components of the innate immune response (4). The role of the humoral response is less studied, and only a few listerial antigens have been identified as targets of antibodies following listerial infections (23). Nevertheless, taking the severity of clinical manifestations associated with L. monocytogenes infection into consideration, an understanding of the pathogenesis and role of bacterial antigens targeted for recognition by different arms of the immune response is required to design effective strategies for inducing resistance against L. monocytogenes infection.Recently, we identified the listerial ferritin-like protein as a target of the humoral response following infection of mice with pathogenic L. monocytogenes. The ferritin-like protein of L. monocytogenes (Frl) (9, 30, 32) is a member of the family of bacterial Dps proteins (DNA binding proteins from starved cells). These proteins bear resemblance to ferritins and hemecontaining ferritins (bacterioferritins) in both structure and function (2,3,25) and are iron storage proteins that re...