Published as an open a))ess pre-print on OSFPreprint: Abstract Shared te)hnology making refers to the pra)t)es, spa)es and events that bear the hope and belief that )ollaboratve and open ways of designing, making and modifying te)hnology )an improve our ways of living. Shared te)hnology making in the )ontext of the smart )ity reinvigorates exploratons of the possibility of free, open and )ollaboratve ways of engineering urban spa)es, infrastru)tures and publi) life. Open innovaton events and )ivi) ha)king initatves ofen en)ourage members of lo)al )ommunites, residents, or )ity administratons to part)ipate so that the problems they fa)e and the knowledge they possess )an be leveraged to develop innovatons from the working (and failure) of urban everyday life and (non-)expert knowledges. However, the in)orporaton of shared te)hnology making into urban )ontexts engender )on)erns around the right to part)ipate in shared te)hnology-and )ity-making. This paper addresses this issue by suggestng ways to )onsider both the neoliberal patterning of shared te)hnology making and the pat)hes and gaps that show the future possibility of shared )ity making. It explores the ways in whi)h shared te)hnology making are organised using ha)kathons and other ha)king initatves as an example. By providing a ha)kathon typology and detailed a))ounts of the experien)es of organisers and part)ipants of related events, the paper re)onsiders the neoliberalisaton of shared te)hnology making. It attends to the multple, entangled and )onfi)tual relatonships that do not follow )orporate logi) for )onsidering the possibilites of more open and )ollaboratve ways of te)hnology-and )ity-making.