A model for electroweak unification of quarks and leptons, in a gauge group SUC (3) × SU (4) × UX (1) is constructed. The model requires, three generations of quarks and leptons which are replicas (mirror) of the standard quarks and leptons. The gauge group SU (4) × UX (1) is broken in such a way so as to reproduce standard model and to generate heavy masses for the vector bosons (W ± Rµ , Z ′ µ ,Z ′′ µ ), the leptoquarks and mirror fermions. It is shown lower limit on mass scale of mirror fermions is mE ≥ m Z 2 , E − being the lightest mirror fermion coupled to Z boson. As the universe expands, the heavy matter is decoupled at an early stage of expansion and may be a source of dark matter. Leptoquarks in the model connect the standard model and mirror fermions. Baryon genesis in our Universe implies antibaryon genesis in mirror Universe.