This manuscript is a re-operations are detailed, including receiv-prove tuna processing safety. The manview of canned tuna, Scombridae, process-ing, sorting, production planning, recov-uscript reviews the changes over the deing from fish receiving through to the la-ery and labor-hours, thawing, butchering, cades by the FDA toward a better underbeling and casing of the finished product. pre-cooking, cooling, skinning, deboning, standing of the regulations and sampling The topics of this review include history, loin cleaning, can filling, seaming, retort-protocols for attributes of tuna decompo-Regulatory Environment (LACF, FSMA, ing, labeling, and casing. sition and for a safer canned tuna prod-Canned Tuna SOI), HACCP, the food safe-Included is an in-depth review of uct. A goal of this document is to record ty hazards of Scombroid fish poisoning or changes to the HACCP guidance for the details and advances in canned tuna histamine and Staphylococcus aureus, and processing tuna over the past 25 years processing through 2021, while recognizquality issues including struvite formation (through 2021), and recommendations on ing that the only constant in the tuna busiand prevention. Canned tuna processing how to use the HACCP guidance to im-ness is change.14 Citizens petition to amend the canned tuna standard of identity 21CFR §161.190. 3 Sept. 2015.