Anton Ghon is well known in the field of childhood tuberculosis, and the tuberculosis primary focus and complex are frequently called the Ghon focus and complex; this is largely the result of the wide publication of the English translation of his monograph <b>“</b>Der primäre Lungenherd bei der Tuberkulose der Kinder.” Ghon’s studies are frequently quoted, but precise details of his monograph are neglected, his results often misquoted, and his later publications virtually unknown. This review highlights aspects of Ghon’s anatomical pathology studies in children and adults not necessarily dying of tuberculosis but with signs of tuberculosis infection. Ghon found a single primary tuberculosis focus in approximately 80% of tuberculosis-infected children situated close to the pleura in two-thirds of cases. Cavitation of the focus was common, and lymphatic spread involved lymph nodes in the abdomen and neck in many children. Studies amongst adults and children frequently found the healed primary tuberculosis focus to be completely calcified without histological signs of tuberculosis activity; however, particularly in the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis, histological signs of tuberculosis activity were often found in the lymph nodes of the angulus venosus, despite apparent healing with extensive calcification. Both earlier studies and more recent investigations, with molecular biological tools, unavailable to Ghon and earlier researchers, have confirmed the presence of viable mycobacteria in apparently normal or healed thoracic nodes and also found molecular biological indications of viable mycobacteria in these nodes. As suggested by Ghon, lympho-haematogenous spread of tuberculosis may be more common than is usually appreciated.