Inorganic arsenic is an ubiquitous environmental contaminant able to cause severe pathologies in humans, including kidney disorders. The possible protective effects of Mangifera indica L., Anacardiaceae, stem bark extract (MSBE) and some mango phenols on the cytotoxicity of arsenite (As III ) in the proximal tubule cell line HK-2 was investigated. In cells cultured for 24 h in presence of As III , a dose-dependent loss of cell viability occurred that was signifi cantly alleviated by MSBE, followed by gallic acid, catechin and mangiferin. Mangiferin complexed with Fe +++ proved more effi cacious than mangiferin alone. MSBE and pure phenols increased signifi cantly the cell surviving fraction in clonogenic assays. In cells pretreated with MSBE or phenols for 72 h the protection afforded by MSBE resulted decreased in comparison with the shorter experiments. Cells pretreated with a subcytotoxic amount of As III or cultured in continuous presence of low concentration of mangiferin proved to be more resistant to As III , while cells cultured in presence of albumin resulted more sensitive. Because all the above conditions share changes in expression/activity of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), a transporter potentially involved in arsenic resistance, the capability of M. indica phenols in modulating As III -induced cytotoxicity would be at least in part dependent on their interactions with P-gp.