The dative NǞSi/P interactions in 8-dimethylaminonaphth-1-yl-silanes and phosphorus compounds are largely an artefact which originated from insufficient perusal of the pertinent literature.
Dative NǞP/Si Wechselwirkungen ؊ Eine historische Untersuchung [1]Inhaltsübersicht. Die dativen NǞSi/P-Wechselwirkungen in 8-Dimethylamino-naphth-1-yl-silanen und -phosphorverbindungen 1) Cases in which short distances d(N···Si/P) point to attractive interatomic interactions and in which the arrangement around Si/P has been described as (distorted) trigonal-bipyramidal or, in case of hexacoordination, as octahedral, are excluded from the following discussion. -van der Waals distances sind meist ein Artefakt als Folge der Nichtberücksichtigung der einschlägigen Literatur.