Additive Manufacturing (AM) has received interest since it is simpler to manufacture complicated 3D component without the requirement for casting moulds than convective fabrication. AM has a lot of significance in fields like aerospace, medicine, and more to make parts of any kind of complex shape. Since the finished products are subjected to repeated cycles of heating and cooling, there will always be some residual stresses present in them. During layer-over-layer deposition, the large difference in temperature between the layers causes residual stresses, which hurt the performance of the products. As far as the author’s knowledge, there is no thorough review of the thermal modelling of residual stress in AM. In this review paper, the goal is to first get a good understanding of how residual stresses are developed, and then to look at how different models measure them. So, residual stresses can be seen as a key factor in controlling costs, performance, and quality standards of the finished component. This paper does a thorough review of the field to give engineers and researchers up-to-date information and advice about residual stresses.