and PerspectiveInstruments to assess chronic pain acceptance have been developed and used.Uninvestigated is whether and to what extent the content of the items reflects acceptance. A content analysis of thirteen instruments that aim to measure acceptance of chronic pain was performed. A coding scheme was used that consisted of three categories that represent key components of acceptance, i.e. "disengagement from pain control", "pain willingness", and "engagement in activities other than pain control". The coding scheme consisted of five additional categories in order to code items that do not to represent acceptance, i.e., "controlling pain", "pain costs", "pain benefits", "unclear", and "no fit". Two coders rated to what extent the items of acceptance instruments belonged to one or more of these categories.Results indicated that acceptance categories were not equally represented in the acceptance instruments. Of note, some instruments had many items in the category "controlling pain". Further analyses revealed that the meaning of acceptance differs between different instruments, and between different versions of the same instrument. This study illustrates the importance of content validity when developing and evaluating self-report instruments.Perspective. This article investigated the content validity of questionnaires designed to measure acceptance in individuals with chronic pain. Knowledge about the content of the instruments will provide further insight into the features of acceptance and how to measure these.