DOI: 10.1002/ejp.1074
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Fear of Pain Questionnaire‐9: Brief assessment of pain‐related fear and anxiety

Abstract: Background Fear and anxiety are important considerations in both acute and chronic pain. Effectively and efficiently measuring fear and anxiety associated with pain in healthcare settings is critical for identifying vulnerable patients. The length and administration time of current measures of pain‐related fear and anxiety inhibit their routine use, as screening tools and otherwise, suggesting the need for a shorter, more efficient instrument. Methods A 9‐item shortened… Show more

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Cited by 56 publications
(52 citation statements)
References 44 publications
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“…There are three factorially derived subscales: (a) Fear of Dental/Medical Pain, (b) Fear of Severe Pain, and (c) Fear of Minor Pain; a total score also can be derived. There is support for the validity of the FPQ‐9; it has been tested psychometrically and has been found to have good internal consistency and test‐retest reliability …”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 98%
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“…There are three factorially derived subscales: (a) Fear of Dental/Medical Pain, (b) Fear of Severe Pain, and (c) Fear of Minor Pain; a total score also can be derived. There is support for the validity of the FPQ‐9; it has been tested psychometrically and has been found to have good internal consistency and test‐retest reliability …”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 98%
“…General fearfulness about pain was assessed with the Fear of Pain Questionnaire‐9 (FPQ‐9). The FPQ‐9, a shortened version of the reliable and valid Fear of Pain Questionnaire‐III, assesses fear about pain across a variety of events, and is suitable for use in both adult and adolescent populations.…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…the suggested three-factor structure, divergent validity with respect to pain intensity, depression and anxiety scores, and test-retest reliability) in a heterogeneous sample of Italian individuals. To better comprehend the FPQ-III’s factorial structure, a CFA was also performed for each of the two reduced versions of the FPQ-III, namely the FPQ-Short Form (FPQ-SF) [16] and the FPQ-9 [17]. We did not consider item-parcel versions of the FPQ-III because item parcelling could lead to distortion of the factor structure [18].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The FPQ-III has high test–retest reliability ( r =0.92) and internal consistency (α=0.74), which has been confirmed by other studies. 23 28 …”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The validity and reliability of the FPQ-III have been assessed in healthy participants, college students, dental patients, and chronic pain patients with major psychiatric diagnosis. 20 , 23 28 However, its applicability in identifying individuals likely to experience longer duration and greater frequency of pain from a community-based sample has not previously been examined. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the association between subscales of the FPQ-III and duration and frequency of pain in individuals from a community-based sample.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%