This re search was de signed to in ves ti gate what dif fer ences might ex ist between grad u at ing Af ri can Amer i can and White busi ness stu dents re gard ing achieve ment mo ti va tion as de ter mined by their fear of suc cess and fear of ap pear ing in com pe tent and whether there ex ists any mod er at ing in flu ence based upon their at ti tude to ward the role of women in so ci ety. The sam ple con sisted of 99 Af ri can Amer i can stu dents and 102 White stu dents.Af ri can Amer i cans scored sig nif i cantly lower than Whites on the Fear of Ap pear ing In com pe tent Scale. Like wise, Af ri can Amer i can women scored sig nif i cantly lower than white women on this scale. No dif fer ences were found in the scores among Af ri can Amer i can Males and White males on the Fear of Ap pear ing In com pe tent Scale. For the en tire sam ple, those with a pro gres sive view of women scored higher on the Fear of Suc cess Scale than those with tra di tional views of women. Achieve ment mo ti va tion among the groups of re spon dents is also eval u ated.