“…SE spin-echo, GRE gradient-echo, IR inversion-recovery, TSE turbo spin-echo, EPI echo-planar imaging, HASTE half-Fourier acquisition single-shot TSE, FLAIR fluid attenuated IR (long tau IR), STIR short tau IR, PDW proton-density weighted, SSFP steady-state free precession, DESS dual-echo steady-state, 3D-CISS 3D constructive interference in steady state, UTE ultra-short TE, MPRAGE (3D UF-GRE) three dimensional T1-weighted magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition of GRE (3D ultrafast GRE), SS-EPI single-shot EPI, RS-EPI readout-segmented EPI, SMS-EPI simultaneous multi-slice EPI, CAIPIRINHA controlled aliasing in parallel imaging results in higher acceleration, SPI single point imaging, SPRITE single point ramped imaging with T1 enhancement, RUFIS rotating ultra-fast imaging sequences time and increases patient compliance [5][6][7][8][9]. As a result, T2W 3D-SPACE VFAM acquisition at 3T is a fast, flexible and efficacious technique with substantial SAR reduction to evaluate almost all of the patients with hydrocephalus accurately [1,3]. Therefore; in the last few years, in our institution, T2W 3D-SPACE VFAM images have been obtained for the evaluation of the patients with diagnosis or suspicion of hydrocephalus, as a crucial part of the protocol which is described in detail in Table 1.…”