Knowledge of the patterns of the formation of the structure and topography of organs and systems of the human body is important for the interpretation of the true direction of the processes of organogenesis, the mechanisms of normal morphogenesis of organs, the emergence of anatomical variants and congenital defects. The interest in continuing the research was initiated by the buildup of an integrative approach in scientific developments, which, together with the doctrine of the individual anatomical variability of organs, systems and the shape of the human body, is the foundation of medicine. The next movement in this direction is the study of the variability of the shape of the submandibular strait of the human submandibular salivary gland during intrauterine development. Using the methods of macro-copy, microscopy, graphic and plastic reconstruction, fine preparation under the control of a binocular loupe, morphometry on 111 objects (60 before a person's fetus 7-12 weeks of intrauterine development and 51 fetuses of 4-10 months of intrauterine development were studied Variants of the form of the submandibular strait and the frequency of its manifestations in prenatal and human fetuses are from the rudiment of the tongue. At the beginning of the prefetal period of human ontogenesis, the rudiment of the gland increases significantly and takes the form of a continuous epithelial cord, which is represented by a large number of dividing cells. during the prefetal period with the rudiment of the submandibular duct of the submandibular salivary gland, a number of regular sequential changes occur: 1 – the formation of numerous epithelial cords of the II, III, IV order, as dichotomous branches from the main (main) epithelial anlage, 2 – the formation of a cavity (canal ) in the main epithelial bud and its ramifications of the II-IV order; 3 – the concentration of mesenchymal cells surrounding the epithelial cords (the formation of the mesenchymal part of the submandibular strait of the submandibular salivary gland) with its clear separation from adjacent tissues. In the group of objects of study, most often (76 cases, or 68.47%) there is a direct form of the submandibular ducts; the arcuate variant of the form of the submandibular ducts is almost three times less (26 cases, or 23.42%); as a variant of the form – the S-shaped form of the submandibular duct – was observed even less often (9 cases, or 8.11%).