First and foremost we want to acknowledge and thank Dr. Eira Klich-Heartt for her inspirational guidance. Writing a thesis seemed at taunting task, but with her encouraging and flexible attitude she allowed us to relax and focus on the task with greater calm and confidence. We give heartfelt thanks to Jennifer Raymond, the director of rehabilitation of the project site, who let us implement the project at her facility and ensured it would be a smooth and enjoyable process. We would also like to thank all the certified nursing assistants and other staff who took the time to participate in our project and provided feedback. We also want to acknowledge and thank Roxie Rice, our cohort student who was initially part of this thesis group, for her efforts and contributions, especially the idea of the rainbow teeth. We are grateful to Ruth Ramsey and Julia Wilbarger for stepping in as second readers to provide additional perspectives and feedback. Finally, we want to acknowledge and thank every faculty member and support staff of Dominican University who contributed to our professional growth. We could have not achieved this much without you! Lauryn: I would like to thank my friends inside and outside of the occupational therapy program for making my life more colorful. I would like to thank my parents for their unconditional love and support throughout my life endeavors. I would like to thank the only other person in the world who speaks my language, my older brother. Lastly, I would like to thank my grandfather, who I always strive to make proud. Liberty: For me, this thesis is dedicated to my grandfather Hans. Opa, they lost your dentures, but they led me to OT. I will forever think of you and your toothless smile at work when I walk into a facility that needs improvement. v Rosemarie: I want to give a heartfelt thanks to my husband. He has been patient, flexible, and willing to support me and contribute to the capstone project in any way he could. I am grateful to my son, who will be graduating from high school at the same time as I will receive my master's degree, and who was so agreeable and never complained about any inconveniences that resulted due to my studies. Finally, I want to thank all the people on the way who have helped me through this transformational journey.