“…Additional architectural characteristics of muscle were obtained with magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) technique. Indeed, this method generates shear waves inside the muscle tissue in order to measure the mechanical properties (Dresner et al, 2001;Basford et al, 2002;Bensamoun et al, 2006Bensamoun et al, , 2007Brauck et al, 2007;Chen et al, 2007Chen et al, , 2008Domire et al, 2009) and several studies have observed the propagation of the shear waves along the muscle fiber (Bensamoun et al, 2006;Sack et al, 2002). Thus, V-waves, oblique waves and longitudinal waves were observed inside the biceps brachii, the vastus medialis and the sartorius muscles, respectively, reflecting their own muscles architecture.…”