This extensive study offers a thorough analysis of the complex technical and economical factors involved in incorporating photovoltaic (PV) systems into the buildings' electrical grid in Algeria. It focuses on a crucial element in the country's energy transition. This study aims to evaluate the viability and potential advantages of implementing solar panels on the rooftop of a university parking lot located at the prestigious Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Sidi Bel Abbess. By utilising advanced modelling tools such as PVSOL and HOMER Pro, this study applies a comprehensive methodology to assess the feasibility of this facility. In the first step, a comprehensive three-dimensional model is carefully constructed using PVSOL software in order to assess the maximum achievable photovoltaic (PV) capacity for the neighbouring parking lot. This estimation considers several parameters, including potential shadows, size of furniture, direction, and slope. This thorough assessment establishes the foundation for subsequent examinations. Following this, a thorough technical-economic analysis is performed using HOMER Pro software to comprehensively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two separate scenarios: one that exclusively depends on the current electrical network and another that combines conventional grid power with solar-generated electricity. The study offers useful insights into the economic feasibility and sustainability of incorporating photovoltaic (PV) systems into the university's infrastructure, taking into account several aspects such as installation costs, maintenance requirements, electricity rates, and possible savings. The results highlight the considerable potential offered by integrating photovoltaic (PV) systems into the electrical grids of buildings, enabling the provision of electricity to both structures and perhaps facilitating the recycling of electric vehicles. Not only does this have the potential to reduce long-term energy costs, but it also plays a crucial role in promoting Algeria's shift towards more eco-friendly and sustainable energy options. This, in turn, contributes to global initiatives to address climate change and promote a more environmentally friendly future for future generations.