Subject reviewIn this paper the most commonly used sensing systems in modern welding industry, which nowadays includes robotic systems, are listed and analysed. According to mechanisms of action and measured parameters, several classifications of sensor systems are presented. MIG/MAG, resistance and laser beam welding processes are the most commonly robotized ones in the industry and therefore special attention is given to them. Several characteristics, limitations and advantages of sensor systems are presented and mechanisms of action are briefly described.
Keywords: sensors; sensors for geometrical parameters; sensors for technological parameters; through-arc sensing; welding
Senzori i njihova podjela u tehnologiji zavarivanjaPregledni članak U radu su navedeni i opisani najčešće korišteni senzorski sustavi u suvremenoj zavarivačkoj industriji koja u današnje vrijeme podrazumijeva robotizirane sustave. Predstavljene su podjele senzora u ovisnosti o mehanizmima djelovanja te mjerenim parametrima, a prvenstveno se pozornost posvetila robotiziranim postupcima zavarivanja (MIG/MAG, elektrootporno i lasersko zavarivanje). Ukratko su objašnjeni mehanizmi djelovanja pojedinih senzorskih sustava skupa s njihovim mogućim ograničenjima, prednostima ili specifičnostima.