“…1, b is the semi-chord of the blade, C m is the aerodynamic moment coefficient, U is the nondimensional airspeed defined as U ¼V =bo a , m and r a are nondimensional structural parameters, mass ratio m ¼ m=ðprb 2 Þ, radius of gyration r a ¼ I a =ðmb 2 Þ, K nl is the nondimensional form of K nl1 . Typical data for a 1000 KW capacity wind turbine are used with a semi-chord of b ¼ 0:8 m at 0:75 blade radius and a representative resultant wind speed ofV ¼ 50 m=s (Cheney and Migliore, 2000;Stiesdal, 1999). The uncertain parameters in the structural model are the pitch natural frequency o a , the cubic structural nonlinearity parameter K nl , and the structural equilibrium angle a m .…”