Oil and natural gas remain the dominant components of the worldwide energy system. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that global energy demand will increase by at least 30 % over the next 20 years. It is expected that 99.7 million barrels per day will be needed in 2035. Therefore, the world economy depends on the availability of oil and natural gas resources, advances in oil production technologies, the development of alternative energy sources, and the existence of reliable energy supply routes. At present, the average worldwide oil recovery factor after primary and secondary oil recovery is in the order of one third of the total original-oil-in-place depending on the reservoir characteristics; hence, significant amounts of oil are left in the formation. To achieve oil recovery factors higher than 30 % from mature reservoirs, it is necessary to implement enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes. Consequently, EOR methods will become increasingly important in the future. This chapter presents a brief description of the most common EOR processes as well as information on recent developments and field applications.